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Better than any livechat or chatbot.

Does not need configuration or consultants.

It will answer frequently asked questions and find the right product for your customers.

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how it works illustration

How it works?

Stanusch Dynamic Search is a groundbreaking artificial intelligence-based search and answer method that allows users to find products or information instantly.

Thanks to intelligent prompts, just after typing the first word into the search engine, the user will see prompts that, when clicked, will instantly guide the user to the information he or she is looking for.

Most importantly, however, the solution does not require tedious configuration and testing of the knowledge base of a chatbot or consultants to handle requests and inquiries.

Just provide us with your website URL, and we will prepare a chatbot for you in less than 1 day! After that, you can expand it yourself or integrate it with your online store.

See how Stanusch Dynamic Search works in practice:

Benefits for your Customers

  • 24x7 service for your customers
  • Shortening product and information search time to an absolute minimum
  • Immediate answers to the most frequently asked questions

Benefits for you

  • Increased sales conversions
  • Decreased number of "abandoned" shopping carts
  • More customer satisfaction
  • Reduced time and cost spent on customer service


application Product search icon

Product search

With an interactive product search engine, your customers will be able to find the product they are looking for with just a few mouse clicks - improve their 'user experience' and reduce cart abandonment!

application FAQ icon


Dynamic Search makes it possible to build an interactive / intelligent FAQ to provide quick solutions to user problems and reduce the number of queries to the company.

application Content Search Engine on the Website icon

Content Search Engine on the Website

Dynamic Search makes it possible to search the content of your website and helps your users to quickly get the information they are looking for!


Stanusch Dynamic Search can be powered with product data from over 1000 different types of online stores, management support systems, and marketplaces. Thanks to integration with Baselinker, information about your products can reach SDS within a few minutes. If you are not yet a Baselinker client – create an account there, provide the details of your store or marketplace and upload the data. After creating the chatbot, log in to the Administrative Panel and enter the details of your Baselinker account – within a few minutes your chatbot will gain access to product information.

Begin a 7-day free trial

No credit card required!

Knowledge Base Size

Up to 1 000 items
19,90 €/month

Up to 10 000 items
39,90 €/month

Up to 100 000 items
99,90 €/month

What do you gain?

Account Data

Widget Data

Allowed icons in *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.png, *.gif, *.svg, *.webp, *.avif formats
and maximum size 3 Mb
Copyrights 2024 © Stanusch Dynamic Search